Raise the roof!

(with clear, resonant messaging across the board)

Get your hands on comprehensive content strategy and development, designed specifically for:

  • Small-biz owners who are or want to be active in their local biz and social communities (online or offline!)

Your communication strategy is like a giant connect-the-dots picture; when all the dots are connected and talking, you get a picture that everyone can see loud and clear:

Together, we’ll get to the heart of your message and clear the confusion so the world can hear you loud and clear!

So… what?

The world can hear you loud and clear!

"Clear confusion with a clear message."

Where to Begin?

(it always starts with you)

So, hi! Welcome! Which piece of the puzzle is on your mind?

Web copy? Elevator speech? Intros and bios all over the web? Talks and speeches? Video scripts. Blogs. Email newsletters. Freebie guides. And what about the strategy pulling it all together? The list goes on…

It’s OK. Take a breath. You’re here; I’m here. We’ll get through it together.

When you’re staring at all the possibilities, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

That’s why I’ve developed a sequential process that gives you everything you want in a step-by-step, one-thing-at-a-time way.

Because, yes, I’ve been in the wordsmithing industry for twenty years now. (Wow. That’s a lot of years!) I’ve pretty much done it all: proofreading, editing, and writing.

And twenty years later, I have to ask myself, “Why am I still here doing this?”

The bottom line: I really love helping people figure out the perfect thing to say for them. Finding their voice. Uncovering their biznality. Saying it in a way that’s not only understood, but resonates with their best-fit people, and hits the bullseye. Like this:

How do you want to get your biznality on the page?

(options, options…)

You’re getting the hang of writing your own content and you’re 80% of the way there.

Get the 20% and go all the way!

You want someone by your side, step by step.

Find out more here.

Not suitable for the words you needed yesterday.

Ideal for planning ahead.

By application only.